What Does Aging Mean to You?
Let’s talk about Overcoming Ageism in order to “Age Well”
When we think about aging often, we think of the most negative aspects of “growing old”, words such as frail, sick, confused, slow, and weak dominate our ideas of what it means to age. Our society has placed limitations on the older population by constructing “acceptable” tasks a person in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s should safely be performing.
A Season of Sweetness: Unwrapping the Impact of Sugar on Pain During the Holidays
Unwrapping the Impact of Sugar on Pain During the Holidays
Sleep and Pain are Reciprocally Related!
Did you know that how much sleep you get directly affects pain levels? Let us help you!
Breathe Much?
Try these 3 things throughout the day to improve your blood pressure, decrease stress on your heart and optimize your athletic performance.