Ankle stiffness?
Do you have problems with ankle mobility after an injury? Here are some simple tips to help you stretch your ankle joint from Alisa Carroll, one of our amazing PTs here at Progressive.
Breathe Much?
Try these 3 things throughout the day to improve your blood pressure, decrease stress on your heart and optimize your athletic performance.
Strengthening your hips, pelvis, and low back
Informative video explaining 3 exercises to help stabilize the lumbo-pelvic region.
Health Insurance 101
What every patient with health insurance needs to know but is afraid to ask.
Ten Tips to Prevent Running Injuries
#1 Improve and maintain your flexibility. Daily stretching is essential…
Reasons to try Dry Needling for Pain Relief
Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points…
The Trickster Hipster Muscle
There are two QL muscles: each located on either side of your lumbar spine (lower back)….